Jump towards Joy

Jump towards Joy

Jump towards Joy

Because sometimes, you just have to jump

I spent years searching, for myself, for happiness, for something bigger than just the day to day routines of everyday life. More than the mundane in work and life that others claim “just is how it is.” I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, but I knew there was something more. Then one day, walking the streets of Boston, I found it. I felt it. Pure joy, and it was unlike anything I had every felt. Since that time, I have lost it more than once, but have never stopped pursuing that feeling. As a woman, and as a nurse. Sometimes finding that joy feels like an uphill battle against a society that tells us to play small and behave a certain way, but we were never made to play small. So here’s to jumping toward joy, falling, and getting back up again; to finding joy in the little things, and making those things the big things.