Jump towards Joy


I’m Julia, an ordinary girl in my early thirties navigating this adventure called life one day at a time. I’m here because I love to write, and through words I find solace. After countless filled journals and failed attempts at putting my words out there, I’ve committed to creating the habit of writing. Because day after day, year after year, it’s through others’ words that I have gained strength and through my own that I make sense of the world.

About me? Well, I was born and raised in Washington state, currently living in Boston and have no idea where I may be a year from now. I am a pediatric oncology nurse, this is my calling and my love. In my spare time, I love to travel, journal, read and immerse myself in anything that helps me to learn and grow. I love deep conversation and connection, meeting new people and seeing new places. Novelty keeps me feeling alive, and the journey into adulthood has been rocky but so wonderful. Nearly ten years into my career, I feel more broken and whole, more alive than ever, and am trying to make sense of it all. It’s this dichotomy in which I live, and from which I am seeking to continually create a better way forward.

I seek to find joy in the little things, and create a sense of home within myself wherever I go. I’ve been called too sensitive, told I worry too much, and probably think enough for the whole city of Boston, but this me. I hope you find something in my words that resonate with you, or that perhaps just one note or sentiment can be as therapeutic to you as this all is to me. So cheers, to joy, to adventure, to being alive; and be grateful, and gracious, because there is so much to be happy about. Thanks for being here with me.